Diana PortraitShort Bio

Diana Sousa lives in Portugal, where she works as a comic book colorist, and as a freelance graphic designer. She’s the Eisner Award nominated colorist for the CRITICAL ROLE: VOX MACHINA ORIGINS on-going comic book series, and several other Critical Role projects. Previous works include the CRITICAL ROLE: THE MIGHTY NEIN ORIGINS: CALEB WIDOGAST, YASHA NYDOORIN and FJORD STONE graphic novels from Dark Horse Comics, MALL GOTH, from Simon & Schuster, and THE HUNGER AND THE DUSK from IDW. She can be bribed with books, tea, chocolate, comics, video and board games, Dungeons and Dragons shenanigans, dinosaurs, pirates, and yet more chocolate.


Long Bio

Diana Sousa was born in the small kingdom of Portugal, where she begrudges the abundant sunlight everyday. She grew up reading books, playing the cello, and learning English through video games. 

Staying true to her degree in Multimedia, she wants to try her hands at too many creative projects. She writes – always speculative fiction, whether in the past or in the future, this world or others. She graphics some designs, illustrates, charts maps for fictional worlds, colors comic books, 3D sculpts characters and environments, and wishes she could also create more hours in the day. Please contact her if you happen to have an extra key to the TARDIS.

While searching for the right wardrobe to take her to Narnia, or waiting for a Sith Jedi master to finally find her, she finished a degree in Multimedia. She currently works as a colorist for Dark Horse Comics on the CRITICAL ROLE: VOX MACHINA ORIGINS on-going series, and THE MIGHTY NEIN ORIGINS: CALEB WIDOGAST, YASHA NYDOORIN and FJORD STONE graphic novels, all of which earned her a nomination in the Eisner Awards for Best Coloring. She colored issues 16 and 17 of CROWDED Volume 3 from Image Comics, the graphic novel MALL GOTH from Simon & Schuster, and THE HUNGER AND THE DUSK from IDW. She previously worked on Dungeons and Dragons campaign books and projects, and still freelances as a layout designer in several TTRPG books.

During her free time, she wanders around the mysterious fields of the internet, going through dungeons to fight (and befriend) dragons, using chocolate as fuel, a book as a shield, and a pen as a weapon. Or a sword… after all, she does have two of those.
