Top Media of 2015

Media other than books that I enjoyed this year. Most of them came out in 2015, the exceptions being some of the comic books and the games. And of course I didn’t watch / play / read these as a form of procrastination… it was research. For… stuff, and things. The results are in alphabetical […]

End of Year Book Survey 2014

I found this fun survey by Perpetual Page-Turner that I thought would be interesting to do! Feel free to do it too and link it to me, or comment with your own favourite books! 2014 Reading Stats Number of books you’ve read: 40 Genre you read the most from: Science Fiction (category would be YA) Best […]

New Website, Portfolio, and Giveaway!

So… you’re saying it’s been almost an year since my last post, huh? Well, I… hmm… OH LOOK a shiny new website!! I suppose I could say a lot has changed since my last post. At least I hope so, although I suspect the truth might be a bit different. But for now I’d like […]

An Unexpected Journey

It was almost a year ago that I started to actually dedicate myself to trying to publish a book. Since then I have read so many articles on writing, queried so many great agents, met so many excellent people… I discovered a great community, gotten amazing feedback and support. Two years ago I would never […]

NaNoWriMo and Deadlines

What have I been up to, you ask? Oh, you didn’t? Well, you could leave me to talk to myself then… or maybe stick around and see if I have something interesting to say. I probably don’t, though. Just some crazy ramblings about stuff and things. So… where was I? The first time I did […]

On Moving On To New Projects

What have I been doing over the past weeks, you ask? Summer holidays should mean I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want, to make those plans happen and be… productive! Truth is I have been procrastinating more than I should, but I think I needed it. I had a […]

A Confession

I have to admit that blogs might not be my thing. I do like to make the occasional post, but they will probably be so far apart that I don’t know if this actually deserve to be called a “blog”. And besides, who wants to read my ramblings anyway, right? …Well, I’ll assume you want […]