Word Counts in Large Amounts

My latest worries (which my inner editor keeps taunting me about at the worst times) are about word count. Is this chapter too short? Are things happening too soon? Should I add more random words here? Can I even write a long book, or is that impossible for me? So I started to do a […]

An Unexpected Journey

It was almost a year ago that I started to actually dedicate myself to trying to publish a book. Since then I have read so many articles on writing, queried so many great agents, met so many excellent people… I discovered a great community, gotten amazing feedback and support. Two years ago I would never […]

On Moving On To New Projects

What have I been doing over the past weeks, you ask? Summer holidays should mean I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want, to make those plans happen and be… productive! Truth is I have been procrastinating more than I should, but I think I needed it. I had a […]
