I’ve been wanting to do a post like this for a while, mostly so I remember to keep an eye out for these books. But I also think that this is a good way to find out about books you might not have known about, specially if you have common interests with the person writing said post.
So please, if you know about a book I haven’t put here which you think I might like, throw it at me!
(I also did a bit of code magic – if you hover the image you’ll see information about the book, and you can click the image and it will take you to its Goodreads page! [Unless you are using older versions of Internet Explorer… but why would you do that?])
Here they are! I’m sure I’ve forgotten some and I’ll still discover other amazing ones. But for now it’s shaping up to be an interesting year in terms of books.
And you? Tell me about the books you can’t wait to read!