Books I’m Looking Forward To in 2016

I am probably missing some amazing books in this list, but this is mostly so I remember to keep an eye out for these books. If you know of a book I might enjoy that is not here, please say something in the comments! They’re ordered by releasing date. (Also, if you hover over the […]

End of Year Book Survey 2015

Another year, another survey! You can read the original at Perpetual Page Turner. 2015 Reading Stats Number of books you’ve read: 52 Genre you read the most from: Fantasy Best in Books 1. Best Book You Read In 2015? Code Name Verity, by Elizabeth Wein 2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love […]

Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2015

I’ve been wanting to do a post like this for a while, mostly so I remember to keep an eye out for these books. But I also think that this is a good way to find out about books you might not have known about, specially if you have common interests with the person writing […]

End of Year Book Survey 2014

I found this fun survey by Perpetual Page-Turner that I thought would be interesting to do! Feel free to do it too and link it to me, or comment with your own favourite books! 2014 Reading Stats Number of books you’ve read: 40 Genre you read the most from: Science Fiction (category would be YA) Best […]